With the season of the winter months, there is an increase in diseases of the Upper Respiratory Tract due to both viruses and bacteria. Especially colds and flu are common in the winter months. In general, cold and flu diseases, which are transmitted by inhaling droplets scattered during sneezing and coughing and suspended in the air, and by contact with currents, do not cause disease if the person's immune system is strong enough, or they are in the form of mild symptoms, while they can be severe in people with weak immune systems. For this reason, the first goal in such diseases is to stay away from exposure to the agent and to support our immune system. Among the easiest approaches to stay away from the agent is to stay away from indoor environments and to ventilate these environments at regular intervals. In order to support our immune system, a regular and balanced diet and taking sufficient amounts of fluids, minerals and vitamins may be sufficient for most individuals. It may also be the case that individuals for whom these approaches are not sufficient are evaluated by doctors and need drug supplements.
Consuming foods rich in vitamins and minerals is known to increase body resistance, support immunity and give energy. Foods rich in vitamins A, C and E, selenium, zinc and calcium help prevent diseases. It is known that the consumption of shelled fruits and especially hazelnuts is supportive of immunity, increases body resistance and gives energy. Hazelnuts, which are produced in high quality and quantity in Giresun in our country, contain vitamins A, C, E, selenium, zinc, calcium, polyphenols, anthocyanidin and flavonoids such as lutenin, genistein. With the consumption of 45-50 g of hazelnuts, we meet our daily vitamin E need of 15 mg. Traditionally, it has also been used in folk medicine to support immunity, facilitate digestion, aid wound healing, promote circulation and relieve pain. From this point of view, provided that it is not excessive daily with the winter months, the consumption of shelled fruits and especially hazelnuts between feedings will be beneficial by increasing body resistance in protecting against diseases such as colds and flu.
In addition, natural garlic extract also helps to support immunity. Due to the large number of sulphur compounds in garlic, it is a very good painkiller, blood thinner, anti-infective, blood sugar and pressure lowering, protective against neuron damage, as well as supporting immunity. It also contains vitamin A, B complexes, vitamins C and E, and high amounts of calcium. In addition to relieving and improving joint, muscle and tendon pain, garlic can be recommended as a supplementary supportive treatment in heart and central nervous system diseases if physicians deem it appropriate. In winter, garlic can help protect against viral diseases as it supports immunity.
Due to the protective effects of hazelnuts and garlic, it is important to consume their extracts, especially in winter. In the consumption of these products, a doctor and pharmacist should be consulted, and reliable products with a strong scientific background should be preferred, whose manufacturers are known and experienced in this field.
For more information, you can refer to these articles
Cesarettin Alasalvar ve Bradley W. Bolling. Review of nut phytochemicals, fat-soluble bioactives, antioxidant components and health effects. British Journal of Nutrition (2015), 113, S68–S7